วันจันทร์ที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2555

โครงงานบูรณาการเมี่ยงคำเมืองตาก (วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ)

salted soya beans

The history  of  the salted soya beans
            "Complementing crisp. Sometimes called. Complementing the Chom Phon called Tak or complementing complementing the Chom Phon. In the past, every time.
That Chom Phon care Kittikachorn the Tak will have to eat this kind of tea that you're one of the routine. The locals call take
‘‘ Chom Phon complementing ’’ complementing complementing this type of water is crisp.  Miso bean paste, but that is not the same as normal.
            The sale, which are salty. However, the dried bean bean paste that is served with complementing sweet sour relish bit.
Which people are exposed to the acidic soil and is sold with a souvenir. Fermented bean paste is used to make many foods.
As a result, the common bean collection, complementing the most popular dried coconut is wrapped cbhmo such as sweet tea, coconut, etc., which are a component.
Thus, there is a lot of coconut. And he did it for the float Loy Krathong.

Components of the salted soya beans
Lemongrass Lane.
Fresh ginger, cut into four pieces, Li cedar.
Sliced ​​lemon squares.
Fresh garlic (I use shallots instead. If you do not like the smell of fresh garlic).
Roasted peanuts.
Coconut is a long line.
Roasted or fried dried cooked rice (we use a handful of cooked rice 1 plate salon aerate the Father brought fried).
Raw eggplant (not like I do not have to. We do not enter).
Dried (some people do not wear).
Pig skin (some people do not wear).

How to eat
1. Take to the sesame cracker coating.
2. Took place on the wrapped crackers or sesame leaf plu.
3. Sprinkle fried dried cooked rice. (You will need to provide delicacies made ​​of sticky rice)
4. Sprinkle with coconut.
5. Topped with bean paste.                                                                                                        6. 6.Pretend to eat it.
Complementing the benefits.      
"Complementing the" one as a snack. Besides the delicious. When I try to separate out the components of the tea that was in complementing the food is healthy, but thanks. In one word, it is wrapped with a plu lemon filling for wrap, peanuts, dried shrimp, roasted coconut, ginger, shallots, chilli which these components are also useful in itself already. By plu leaves the plant, it is considered that the calcium and fibrous. Lemon is high in vitamin C. I could smell the peel of citrus essential oils. Roasted peanut protein. Dried protein and calcium. There is also a iodine with roasted coconut, carbohydrate and fat for energy. Onion contains software Lavonia Patapsco. The effects of the antioxidants. Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Hot pepper Capsaicin is the substance beta carotene and vitamins. Wind colic resolves. With flatulence. Ginger is a carminative properties help relieve bloating, help digest food inflation. Helps in blood circulation.

9 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. ควรนำไปเผยแพร่ให้ชาวต่างชาติ

  2. มีประโยชน์มากเลยๆ

  3. ได้รับความรู้มากเลย

  4. ได้ความรู้และเป็นการเผยแพร่เมี่ยงเต้าเจี้ยวเป็นภาษาอังกฤษให้ชาวต่างชาติรู้จัก

  5. เก่งจัง สอนทำแผ่นพับด้วย

  6. ได้ความรู้เกี่ยวกับเมี่ยงเต้าเจี้ยวในภาษาอังกฤษทำให้เราได้เรียนรู้ภาษาและเป็นการเผยแพร่เมี่ยงเต้าเจี้ยวให้ชาวต่างชาติรู้จักด้วย
